Sustainable housing for the development of the Santa Bárbara sector of the north cone in the district of Pocollay


  • Alex Raul Perez Laquihuanaco Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - UPT


Objective: Formulate and develop the sustainable housing project for the development of the “Santa Bárbara del Cono Norte” sector in the District of Pocollay.

Method: The application of a descriptive and explanatory type of research has been required. For this case, it is also required the application of sustainable systems in the project such as; photovoltaic cells, solar heaters, water recycling and use of biodigesters.

Results: An architectural project is proposed that not only solves the housing deficit, but is also friendly to the environment, applying sustainable technological systems that make it possible to take advantage of natural resources that have benefits for the user such as these:


For the normal supply of energy, it will be necessary to use four photovoltaic panels of 250wp of dimensions 3.00 x 2.50.

It was determined that a 250wp panel will supply the energy demand of a home, since it will produce 170WP / DAY, this multiplied by the ELECTROSUR S.A. rate which is S / 0.3074 / kW which gives us a partial amount of S / 16.1385, however this amount is increased by other concepts that are equivalent to 62.24% increase according to your example that the company places on its portal which gives us now gives a total of S / 26.1831 per month per family and an energy saving of 1750WP / DIA.

Use of solar heaters

The daily use of hot water in a multifamily module is 600Lt per day, which are consumed by 4 families of 5 members each, taking into account the average capacity of the thermos tanks, which is 150 liters, the multifamily set will need 04n baths solar (one solar water heater per family).

Considering that an electric shower would have been used that represents 108,500 watts of consumption per month (according to the web portal of the ministry of energy and mines) this would represent a saving of S / 54.11 nuevos soles per month and an energy saving of 108,500 watts.



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How to Cite

Perez Laquihuanaco, A. R. (2015). Sustainable housing for the development of the Santa Bárbara sector of the north cone in the district of Pocollay. Arquitek, (10), pp 38 – 47. Retrieved from


