Approach to the justice system in the time of the Incas



Inca law, Inca penal system, approximation of the Inca legal system, Inca laws


The work that we outline here, shows in a summarized way, the legal structure that our ancestors used to differentiate and determine the laws that they put into force during their time, we also seek to get as close as possible to the legal system that they could have achieved through of some of its regulations and sanctions. Analyzing them to the point of finding systems very similar to ours. The object is not to compare it with our current system, but rather to learn from the system that allowed them to find ways to improve our current society.


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Author Biography

Martín Moisés Domenack Kihien, Catholic University of Santa Maria de Arequipa

Lawyer from the Catholic University of Santa María de Arequipa. Managing Partner of Themis Abogados Law Firm of the city of Arequipa and Cusco. Professor of Philosophy at the New Acropolis Peru Association and Director of the New Acropolis Cusco Branch



How to Cite

Domenack Kihien, M. M. (2022). Approach to the justice system in the time of the Incas. DERECHO, 11(11), 59–73. Retrieved from