The incompatibility of legal research with the quantitative and qualitative approach. The return to the three-dimensional theory of law




scientific research, methodological incompatibility, legal thesis


In Peru, many law students encounter a big problem when writing their undergraduate or graduate thesis, since they have to denaturalize their work in order to fit with the research regulations that impose thesis structures foreign to them. the legal methodology. These regulatory documents commonly establish that the thesis student can only carry out quantitative and/or qualitative research. Given this, it must be kept in mind that legal thesis scholars should not have the obligation to apply methodologies foreign to law, because law has its own methodologies to achieve scientific knowledge. The three-dimensional theory of law is perhaps the best option for thesis students, because it presents great methodological flexibility and every law student is familiar with its methodology or part of it.


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Author Biography

Gino Alexis Condori Quispe, Universidad Privada de Tacna

Docente universitario. Doctor en Derecho. Maestro en Investigación Científica e Innovación. Maestro en Ciencias con mención en Derecho Civil y Comercial. Maestro en Gestión Pública. Título profesional de Abogado. Correo electrónico:



How to Cite

Condori Quispe, G. A. (2024). The incompatibility of legal research with the quantitative and qualitative approach. The return to the three-dimensional theory of law. DERECHO, 14(14), pp. 92 – 112.