Ferritine level in blood donors Tacna - Perú


  • Jaime Alberto Malca Milla Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital
  • Luias Elizabeth Torres Ramos Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital
  • Kattia Giovanna Carrasco Pardo Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital
  • Elisabeth Ttito Inquiltupa Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital
  • Agripina Olinda Condori Alejo Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital
  • Elizabeth Sujey Pino del Pino Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital
  • Elliot Christian Salazar Tolentino Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital


Anemia iron-deficiency, Ferritins, Blood donors, (MeSH)


The blood donor must meet certain requirements to be considered suitable, one of these requirements is to have a minimum level of hemoglobin or hematocrit; these parameters do not reflect the state of iron reserve in the organism, consequently, donors with low iron levels would be at risk of suffering from anemia. The reserve of iron in the organism can be evaluated, through ferritin.

Objective: To evaluate the level of ferritin in blood donors, and relate it to age, sex and frequency of donations. Material and methods: Total blood donors were evaluated, between June and July 2016, they were measured ferritin. Results: The population consisted of 184 donors, 120 men and 64 women, with an age range between 19 and 58 years, average of 35.24. Five donors had a ferritin level below physiological levels. Ferritin in females had an average concentration of 54.7 ug / L (4.05ug / L - 208.3ug / L) and in males the average was 194.27 ug / L (19.9 ug / L- 980.3 ug / L). Conclusions: 6.25% of women who donate blood with hematocrit levels equal to or greater than 39%, had low levels of ferritin, unrelated to age. A 0.83% of the men who donated blood with values equal to or greater than 39%, had low levels of ferritin. The average level of ferritin for females was 54.7 ug / L and for males, 194.27 ug / L.


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How to Cite

Malca Milla, J. A., Torres Ramos, L. E., Carrasco Pardo, K. G., Ttito Inquiltupa, E., Condori Alejo, A. O., Pino del Pino, E. S., & Salazar Tolentino, E. C. (2018). Ferritine level in blood donors Tacna - Perú. ET VITA, 12(2), pp. 808 – 812. Retrieved from

