Alternative passive eruption, treatment in the previous sector


  • Jonathan Vladimir Cacho Mendoza


Dental Aesthetics, Passive Altered Eruption, Biological Space, Anterior Sector, Surgical Treatment, (MeSH)


The altered passive eruption, is that situation in which the gum covers more than the teeth counting, are presented in consultation with great frequency. However, the number of occasions in which an adequate diagnosis is not made is high. Surgical treatment must have a thorough exploration and differential diagnosis and will be indicated when it is impossible to maintain an adequate state of periodontal health, when restorative treatments are necessary, if the excess gum makes orthodontic treatment difficult or when there is an aesthetic compromise. In these cases, the preferred surgical procedure is flap surgery, which allows access to the bone surface and its remodeling, since it is very common in these situations to be altered; also a simple gingivectomy, as the case may be. It is vital to know the morphology of the periodontium and reach a good diagnosis so that we can have a predictable result. This revision has the purpose of providing the necessary guidelines for an optimal result.


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How to Cite

Cacho Mendoza, J. V. (2018). Alternative passive eruption, treatment in the previous sector. ET VITA, 12(2), pp. 853 – 860. Retrieved from

