Contenido calórico y grasa de la leche materna a partir del crematocrito a 3815 msnm



Crematocrito, leche materna y puerpera


Objective: To determine the relationship between the fat and calorie content of breast milk in relation to refrigeration in height at 3815 masl refrigeration time. Material and Methods: Study was analytical, descriptive and prospective cohort, the milk samples were extracted from mediate and immediate and late puerperal women who were in the process of breastfeeding exclusively, likewise there were 60 samples. Milk samples were centrifuged at zero hours, then at six hours, then at twenty-four hours, and finally at six days. Next, the crematocrit technique was used for the respective corresponding measurement of the content of the nutrient calorie. The samples presented have been stored at 4°C. SPSS version 25 and variance with an interval of 95% were applied. Results: Calorie and protein content of fresh breast milk, expressed in crematocrit, were on average 674.60kcal/l and 2.92gr%. The refrigerated samples were: six hours 677.13kcal/l and 2.91gr%, twenty-four hours 679.24kcal/l and 2.95gr% and six days 681.12kcal/l and 2.99gr%. Conclusions: In this regard, no significant variation in caloric content is observed, which would mean that it is possible because it is stored in refrigeration (p = 0.95).


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How to Cite

Yucra Sotomayor, M. (2022). Contenido calórico y grasa de la leche materna a partir del crematocrito a 3815 msnm. ET VITA, 15(1). Retrieved from


