Security cell for hazardous waste from health facilities during the SARS COV-2 pandemic, Tacna district




Cell layout, health facilities, hazardous hospital waste


The purpose of this research was the design of a safety cell for the disposal of hazardous hospital waste from the characterization of waste in the different health establishments of the metropolitan health micro-network of the Tacna district, which was carried out in the month February 2021. The percapita generation and the density of hazardous hospital waste were determined in 7 health establishments (5 health centers and 2 health posts). For the characterization of solid waste, the methodology of the Ministry of the Environment (2018) was applied, obtaining the following results: The per capita production of solid waste per health facility was 20.44 kg / health facility / day and the average density of waste without compacting was 0.072 kg / m³. With the results obtained and applying the Guide for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and closure of the sanitary landfill manual of the Ministry of the Environment (2011); and the World Health Organization Standard Guidelines for Site Selection, Design, Construction, Operation, Surveillance, Control and Closure of the Hospital Waste Safety Cells for Large, Intermediate and Small Cities of the Country (2010), 1 safety cell was designed with a useful capacity of 127.5 m3 of hospital solid waste as design useful volume, 600 kg/m³ of compacting with a projection of 10.25 years. The cell has the following dimensions: 0.6 m high, top length (ls) 21 m, top width (as) 11 m, top area 231 m2 trench slope (H) 1, trench slope (V) 1, bottom length (li) 19.8 m, bottom width (ai) 9.8 m and bottom area (Ai) 194.04 m2.


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How to Cite

Lazo Ramos, R. S., Pacompia Belizario, W. F., Wong Copaja, G. C., Quispe Cusacani, R. J., & Anahua Huarachi, E. F. (2021). Security cell for hazardous waste from health facilities during the SARS COV-2 pandemic, Tacna district. INGENIERÍA INVESTIGA, 3(2), 33–42.



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