Methodology for quality assurance of school premises maintenance program processes in the Tacna region.


  • Dennys Geovanni Calderón Paniagua Tacna Private University



Project, quality, improvement of school premises


Objective: To develop a methodology for the assuranceof the quality of the processes ofthe Program of Maintenance of School Premises in the Region of Tacna to increase its effectiveness.

Methodology: lt was used an application design, because it is oriented to solve a problem, which ¡is the lack of a methodology for the development of the processes of the Program of Maintenanceof School Premises.

Results: Procedures and format based on flow charts of the School Site Maintenance Program processes were designed, which allowed a better understanding ofthe users.

Conclusion: A methodology was developed for the quality assurance of the School Site Maintenance Program, which improved the effectiveness of the maintenance of the educational infrastructure of the Tacna Region.


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How to Cite

Calderón Paniagua, D. G. (2016). Methodology for quality assurance of school premises maintenance program processes in the Tacna region. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 5(2), pp. 66 . 75.

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