False cognates and english communicative skills in the students of the Language Center of the Private University of Tacna, 2022


  • Lorena Sahori Garcia Ponce Private University of Tacna
  • Sissy Soledad Mena Ordoñez Private University of Tacna




false cognates, learning English, language skills


The objective of the research was to establish how the learning of false cognates is related to the mastery of communicative skills of the English language in the students of the Language Center of the Private University of Tacna, 2022. The methodology of the present research was basic, of correlational level with non-experimental sectional design. The sample population was 221 from the language center of the Private University of Tacna, enrolled in the 2022-II academic year. The applied instruments were subjected to validity by expert judgment using Aiken's V and reliability through Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining adequate results (.899 and .908 respectively). The results indicate that 36.2% of the students reached the regular level in the variable learning false cognates. Regarding the variable Mastery of English language communication skills, it was revealed that 42.1% present a good level. It is concluded that the learning of false cognates is directly, positively related to the mastery of communicative skills of the English language in the students of the Language Center of the Private University of Tacna, 2022 (rs= 0.729; p= 0.000).


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Author Biographies

Lorena Sahori Garcia Ponce, Private University of Tacna

Graduate in Education with a specialty in foreign language translation and interpretation, Graduated with a second specialty in computer technology and educational informatics. Master in university teaching and educational management

Sissy Soledad Mena Ordoñez, Private University of Tacna

Master in Scientific Research and Technological Innovation. Graduate in Education, specializing in language and literature, with a second specialty in educational computing.



How to Cite

Garcia Ponce, L. S., & Mena Ordoñez, S. S. (2023). False cognates and english communicative skills in the students of the Language Center of the Private University of Tacna, 2022. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 12(02). https://doi.org/10.47796/ves.v12i02.870

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