Metaphors, temporalities and historical discourse of ‘aprismo tacneño’ in the nation (1931)




historical discourse, Aprismo, Tacna, elections, press


This article analyzes the articulations between the regional historical memory of Tacna and the national discourse of Peruvian Aprismo deployed in the newspaper La Nación in 1931. It examines the strategies by which Tacna's Aprismo mobilized appeals to the local past to legitimize its candidates and project before public opinion in the elections to the Constituent Congress. Uses of references of the past, presentation of testimonies about previous patriotic participation of candidates and the instrumentalization of regional leaders in partisan rituals are identified. Likewise, debates around the opposition between the (anti)nationalism attributed to Aprismo and its own definition are studied in the post-electoral context.


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Author Biography

Alfonso Renato Vargas-Murillo, Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile

Becario Doctoral, Doctorado en Historia de la Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica-Chile. Docente Investigador de la Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima - Perú. Docente a Tiempo Parcial de la Escuela Profesional de Historia de la Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Tacna - Perú. Investigador Renacyt - Concytec nivel V.



How to Cite

Vargas-Murillo, A. R. (2024). Metaphors, temporalities and historical discourse of ‘aprismo tacneño’ in the nation (1931). REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 13(01).