Perceived valuation of endogenous and exogenous attributes in the consumption of Picante a la Tacneña




Attributes, picante a la tacneña, perceived value


The objective of the research was to determine the perceived value of the consumers of picante a la tacneña with respect to its endogenous and exogenous attributes. The study was based on the theory of perceived value using a multidimensional scale of 16 items. The type of research was a cross-sectional descriptive correlational design. The survey technique was used to collect the information, and the instrument used was a 7-level Likert-type questionnaire. The results show that there are no significant differences between the two attributes. However, positive and significant differences are evidenced independently; of which consistency and hedonism were the most important components, due to the fact that the level of satisfaction regarding consistency and the feeling of pleasure experienced contributed to a greater extent to the creation of perceived value. Similarly, it was determined that the willingness to repurchase had a statistically significant, moderate and directly proportional relationship with the perceived value, since a willingness to buy it again and to recommend it to third parties was observed.


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How to Cite

Arcata Maquera, E. J., & Cartagena Cutipa, R. (2021). Perceived valuation of endogenous and exogenous attributes in the consumption of Picante a la Tacneña. INGENIERÍA INVESTIGA, 3(2), 43–52.



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